Welcome to Federated-Zion Churches in Grand Forks and Manvel, ND

Sing a New Song

Calendar of Events
Meet Our Pastor
Tenets of our Faith
Our Youth
Our History
Sing a New Song
Special Services
Arms Outstretched

During the fall, winter and spring, the choir meets at 9:30 a.m. (on the Sunday's they are to sing,) at Federated Church to rehearse. They are under the fine direction of DeVera Warcup, with Thelma Willett accompanying them on the piano.

Federated's Musical Team
Thelma Willett is in charge of the music, and she also serves as the pianist for the church. Her classical offerrings for the prelude, offertory and postlude when it is "her Sunday" are delightful. DeVera Warcup is the very adept organist, with her fine adaptations filling the sanctuary with heavenly tunes.
There is a wide array of other talented people in the congregation--some with singing voices and others with their instruments. On a few very special occasions, such as Easter and Christmas, the brass quartet lends their fine tones to the music, making it truly a festive event for all. On one occasion, Janet Smith hired a bagpiper to come in to surprise her very Scottish husband, Ivan, on their anniversary.

Leo playing his flute.

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